Friday, January 25, 2008

Finally a little progress!!!

Today in the Nevada primaries/caucuses, RON PAUL received more votes than either Hillary or Obama!!! Probably one of the reasons for his success is due to the large amount of service industry jobs in Nevada. While the media was pumping up Obama's support with the mostly non-white service industy, including official endorsement from that union , Team Clinton flooded the area with "I SUPPORT MY UNION. I SUPPORT HILLARY" signs. In fact, Hillary edged out Obama with 51% of the Democratic vote. Obama retained 45%, while Edwards pulled only 4%.
What the media WAS NOT COVERING was a key platform of RonPaul... NO TAXES ON TIPS!!! I repeat, NO TAXES ON TIPS!!! Anyone who's ever been to Las Vegas will understand, considering how many millions of dollars are tipped to the service industry each year.
Unfortunately, the Mormon Tabernacle Choirboy took 1st among Rebublicans with 52%, and thus retaining his lead so far. Tonight the results come in for S. Carolina Republicans and I'll post those results as well. As we approach SUPER DUPER GINORMOUS TUESDAY (Feb 5th) when 24 states hold their primaries on the same day, each of the states leading up to it will, no doubt, play a major role in momentum...
Remember, it ain't over til the fat lady takes her thong off....or something like that.

ps- if you live in Oregon like myself, you will have to wait until AFTER , not only Super Tuesday, but also after American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. On the upside, we do get to check the box for the last remaining candidate in each party before South Dakota and Montana....yeah for Oregon!!! The Republican party (to which most of Oregon DOES NOT belong) also gets to check the box before New Mexico and Idaho.

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